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THRIVE Sober Coaching

Emotional Sobriety Specialist



THRIVE Sober coaching focuses on emotional sobriety and not willpower. Emotional sobriety is learning how to recognise and cope with your emotions without relying on alcohol as a coping mechanism. Putting the drink down alone is not enough to feel happy in long term sobriety.


Video Course

A comprehensive online guide to achieving everything you need to gain long term emotional sobriety (this being the key to lasting sober success). 





THRIVE Sober community is a private membership group with like-minded women, who are working towards for the same shared goal: to live a long and happy alcohol-free life.



THRIVE Sober is a fantastic guide to help you start your new sober journey, or to help when you are just feeling stuck in sobriety and need a reset. 

Coaching services
Approach & Methodology

THRIVE Sober Coaching adopts a holistic approach to emotional sobriety, integrating finely tuned strategies with personalised coaching tailored to individual needs. Click 'Read More' to find out how I can help you on your journey to emotional sobriety.

Meet the Coach

Hello, my name is Teri but I am mostly know as 'sassysobermum' on Instagram. I have been sober myself since April 2019 and I have been successfully coaching clients since 2021. I am also the podcast host of a highly popular UK Top 20 show called 'Sober Stories from Everyday People'. 

Getting Help

If you are struggling with your relationship with alcohol, know that you're not alone. Click 'Services' in the menu above to explore the resources and support available to help you start your journey towards emotional sobriety. Alternatively, Click 'Get help' below to send me a direct message. 


Recognising Triggers


Building Resilience


Mindfulness Practices


Healthy Coping Strategies



Coaching with Teri has been a complete game changer. Not only have I stopped drinking, I feel like a different person. I am happier, I can cope more with life and stress and for the first time in ages, I am excited about the future. 

 Sarah (100 days Coaching Client)


If you are looking for help, please send me a message below:

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